I am so happy that University of Puget Sound in Tacoma will exhibit the work of Shereen LaPlantz this month. Long before I ever seriously considered dipping my hands into book arts, I owned Shereen's book,
Cover to Cover. It was such a delicious book, and to me, a fiber artist, so full of possibilities. Each year I pulled that book off the shelf once or twice, because it was always a catalyst to inspire me for even non-book arts.

Years later, when Rochelle Monner and I became friends, I did not know that she had been a good friend of Shereen's, and had been given Shereen's personal collection of handmade books and teaching materials after her death in 2003. Now, Rochelle and I are are members together of a small Book Arts Group in Tacoma, and on Monday when we meet we will be assembling bookmaking kits for the "make and take" tables at the opening of the Cover to Cover exhibit. If you are in the Tacoma area, I strongly encourage you to come to the exhibit opening on Thursday, January 21, 2010, 4:30 - 6 PM at the Collins Memorial Library on the UPS campus. Several members of our Tacoma Book Arts Group will be there to demonstrate techniques covered in Shereen LaPlantz's books.
Cover to Cover: The Art of Shereen LaPlantz will run from January 21-March 12, 2010 in the Collins Memorial Library, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma WA.
sometimes being far away really sucks... wish I could join you!!!