Today my book arts group once again participated in Tacoma's Wayzgoose at King's Books. Wayzgoose is a celebration of letterpress and book arts held every year. Small letterpress and book arts people set up tables, have a thing or two for sale, and share their craft by inviting guests to make a little keepsake to take home. Our make-and-take was courtesy of Randi Kander- a tiny die-cut folded book in its own little envelope. Randi provided alphabet stamps and ink pads for guests to stamp pages. I helped with that table, and might possibly have had more fun than the guests.

While we were busy inside, the big attraction outside was the steamroller printing. Participating artists cut large (3'x4') linocuts which are pressed by the steamroller. I think the prints get better and better each year. Chandler O'Leary, a member of our books arts group, was one of the steamroller print artists this year. Here she is preparing to print. Her design is the Votes for Women Centennial.
And here are some of my favorites- fancy books made by my friend Lynne Farren. Don't you love them?

Yummy stuff! What FUN!! Lynne Farren's books are so full of JOY!!! Thanks for sharing :-)