Ever since looking at my friend Lynne's flag book variations at Wayzgoose, my brain has been churning non-stop. This has been challenging, since my work schedule has cut into the studio time in a big way lately. Still, there is time for little projects, like this one. The best way to understand how a structure goes together is to build one yourself, so here are my attempts at flag books. To make it interesting, I limited my tools to scissors, glue stick, and paper punch (after cutting the basic red rectangle with a paper cutter). No pencil, pen, or paint. The first book is about wind in a forest.
The next book is an underwater scene. Well, I guess that is pretty obvious.

I am now working on some other folded book shapes with an eye to incorporating more of my fiber-style into them. I have a tendency to dive right in without much thought to testing my theories, often with disastrous results. This time I am trying to be much more disciplined.
We shall see how that goes. Heh.
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