The idea for the exhibit came from Hui-Chu Ying, professor of printmaking at the Myers School of Art in Akron, Ohio. Professor Ying asked artists to create small editions of books that are no more than 4” x 5” x 1” when closed, but any length, width, and depth when opened. Three-dimensional forms were encouraged but weight could not exceed one pound. The bonus of having a show full of miniature things, of course, is that shipping costs for a traveling show are kept to a minimum.
The exact opening date for this show depends on when the boxes arrive. My insider informant at Evergreen says the exhibit will probably be open by February 15. The books will be on display through March. The Evergreen State College is located in Olympia, and you can check the Evergreen Gallery Page for more information. All the pieces in this exhibit are also available for viewing on Flickr, and there is an excellent catalog of this show, which you can view online here. The exhibit photostream on Flickr is here.
The chair in the photo, by the way, is mine. It is 1:12 scale. I stitched the needlepoint cover on silk gauze. The cup and saucer is part of a tiny tea set I brought back from Canterbury. Perfect tininess!
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