Way back in May I wrote about the maze fold book I was making about bridges. It was a long process, but very satisfying. Here is what I ended up with:

It was a very long painting process until I got the finish just the way I wanted it. My experience painting for theatre comes into play here-- I have many years of faking it under my belt (and under my fingernails, splattered all over my glasses, matted in my hair...) so I can make paper look like rusty metal and peeling paint. The book is about 6x6 inches. The front and back covers look very waxy- so much so that my sister thought they were an encaustic finish. Exactly the effect I was going for! Yes, it is my favorite secret sauce- acrylic wax varnish. I have many layers- possibly five or six- of that painted over the printed cover. The bridge prints on the front and back covers are from photographs I have taken while crossing the trestle bridge over the Puyallup river on Highway 99. I turned them into black-and-white images in Photoshop, printed them, and transferred the printed images to rice paper, then added collage elements and began adding layers of acrylic wax varnish.
The book will be in the Puget Sound Book Artists' exhibit in June 2014 at University of Puget Sound's Collins memorial Library.
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